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Glowing earrings - 5 gold coins

Glow sticks ( set of 3 ) - 5 gold coins

Candles ( set of 2 ) - 5 gold coins

Glowing head band - 5 gold coins

Glowing bracelets - 5 gold coins

Candles ( set of 5 ) - 10 gold coins

Glow sticks ( set of 7 ) - 10 gc

Twinkle lights - power by pixie potion - last 20 minutes - 10 gold coins

Flint and steel - 15 gold coins

Torch - 15 gold coins

Lantern - 15 gold coins

Glow flowers - throw these at a wall and watch them light up the room - set of 3 - 20 gold coins

Bright light elixir  - shake this potion for a very bright light  -  good for 3 uses  - 25 gold coins

Glow flowers - throw these at a wall and watch them light up the room - set of 7 - 40 gold coins



SLURPS AND BURPS  (Student Store)

Power Drinks

Honey power drink - regain 1hp - 30 gold coins

Chocolate power drink -regain 2hp 40gc


Flute Elixer

Flute - 75 gold coins

Flute sleeping elixir -pour into your flute and when play your flute your enemy will fall asleep - 125 gold coins



Flying pet fuel - give to any flying pet and it will make your flying friend fly faster and higher

One dose - 20 gold coins

Two doses - 30 gold coins


Normal pet fuel - give to any pet and/or animal without wings and it will make them run faster, jump higher, and see/hear further away.

One dose 15 gold coins

Two doses - 25 gold coins


Leather strap - 5 gold coins

Invisible lock and key - 10 gold coins

Invisible twine - 2 giant lengths  - 15 gold coins

Sleeping potion - 20 gold coins

Singing potion - makes one sing opera - 20 gold coins

"Walk on water shoes" potion -good for 1 use - 20 gold coins

Light fire potion - made with pixie dust - enough to set 3 fires - 20 gold coins

Pixie dust - enough for 1 potion - 25 gold coins

20 giant feet of rope - 25 gold coins

Enchanted mushroom - poisonous enough to give someone a big stomach ache - 30 gold coins

Enchanted bag  = think of what you want and pull out of bag - roll 1d20 to see if it worked - good for 1 use = 50 gold coins





 Bow tie: 5 gold coins

Clown makeup -  5 gold coins

Toy Tricycle - made of wood - 10 gold coins

Toy ray gun -  When you say, "Pew, pew," it shoots bubbles - 10 gold coins

Squeaky shoes - 15 gold coins




Pet Training

When you train your pet with us, your pet will get extra ability points.

Cheetah speed training - gives +2 speed = 100 gold coins

Lion speed training- gives 2+ speed = 100 gold coins

Lion strength training- gives 2+ strength = 100 gold coins

Jaguar stealth training - gives +2 stealth = 100 gold coins

Jaguar agility training - gives +2 agility = 100 gold coins

Leopard stealth training - gives +2 stealth = 100 gold coins

Lynx speed training- gives 2+ speed = 100 gold coins

Lynx stealth training - gives +2 stealth = 100 gold coins

 Catdragon fighting training - gives +2 strength +2 fighting skills = 250 gold coins


Deluxe Cat Backpack

The backpack includes the following items: cat brush, cat bed, a kitten to keep your cat company, a bag that when its empty it refills in any cat food your furry friend wants, cat toys, cat tent = 75 gold coins


Magical Cat Amulet

Cat amulet that makes a cat and its owner understand one another - good for 3 turns = 100 gold coins


Other Items (not pet related but just awesome to own)

Wrist band - turns into a shield attached to your wrist when you say, "Ping is awesome" = 40 gold coins

Hatchet that cuts through metal and stone = 50 gold coins

Compass that points toward danger = 50 gold coins

Invisible sword - this sword is invisible to be careful not to lose it - 50 gold coins

Invisible bow that comes with a ten pack of invisible arrows - 50 gold coins

Magnifying glass = makes you able to see through walls = 70 gold coins


THEA'S HAPPY CATS (Student Store)


1 Siamese kitten = 40 gold coins

4 Siamese kittens  = 50 gold coins

10 of the fluffiest kittens in Arcana = 200 gold coins



1 tabby cat = 30 gold coins

20 tabby cats = 300 gold coins


Kitten and Cat Accessories

 Sun hat =  10 gold coins

Sunglasses = 10 gold coins

Cotton dress = 10 gold coins

t-shirt = 10 gold coins

2 friendship bracelets = 10 gold coins

Slippers = 15 gold coins

Touque = 20 gold coins

Wool vest = 20 gold coins

Leather booties = 25 gold coins


​Other Cat Related Items

​Cat grooming kit = 15 gold coins

Cozy kitten bed = 15 gold coins

Cozy cat bed = 20 gold coins

Cat slide = 30 gold coins

Kitten house = 50 gold coins

Cat house = 60 gold coins

2 Magical silver pieces - put 1 in your ear and 1 in your cat's ear and you can talk to each other for one turn = 70 gold coins


Other Pets

Robin = 10 gold coins

Mini-horse = 50 gold coins

Cow = 60 gold coins




Baked Goods

Magic sleepy cookies -  makes the one who eats them go to sleep for 2 turns - 30 gold coins

Poison chocolate pudding - makes the one who eats it feel too sick to fight for 1 turn =  25 gold coins

Poison caramel apples - makes the one who eats it feel too sick to fight for 1 turn = 30 gold coins

Dancing banana - makes the one who eats it dances for 1 turn = 35 gold coins



Pixie toad = 15 gold coins

Normal toad = 20 gold coins

Unicorn = 30 gold coins

Flying frog = 30 gold coins

Normal black widow spider = 35 gold coins

Black widow with wings = 40 gold coins

Manta ray = 45 gold coins


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©2024 by Adventures in Arcana, from the Flying Cat Academy

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