Box of 10 matches - each match lasts 1 minute = 5 gold coins
Firewood (used for campfire) = 5 gold coins
Paper (used for campfire) = 5 gold coins
Magical lighter - good for 1 use = 5 gold coins
Magical lighter fluid - makes magical lighter last 2 hours = 30 gold coins
Magical flamethrower - can throw a flame 1 giant length in any direction - deals 1d6 damage = 40 gold coins
Crushed coal (used for flame thrower) WARNING EXTRA FLAMMABLE - good for 1 use = 40 gold coins
Flaming boxing gloves - good for 3 uses - deals 1d6 damage = 50 Gold coins
Dragon fire amplifier -gives one extra fire breath in a day and doubles the damage on attack = 200 Gold Coins
Fireproof Wristband (enchanted to make you immune to fire) - good for 1 use = 200 Gold Coins
Get 50% off when you buy lakefront property in the Realm of Pax (you buy the property on 27th Street) = 200 gold coins
Get 50% off when you buy a beach home in the south of Markadron (you buy the property on 27th Street) = 100 gold coins
Hot Chocolate Delivery Service
Haven't you ever craved a hot chocolate when you are out on a quest? We've got you covered. When you buy from us, we will deliver a cup to you, no matter where you on Arcana (except Tor's realm) through our flooper bird delivery service.
1 cup of hot chocolate = 5 gold coins
Flooper delivery service = 25 gold coins
When you are out roughing it on a quest, don't you ever wish that you could have a pizza party? Now you can! When you buy from us, we will deliver enough pizza for your whole team. We deliver to all parts of Arcana using wizard spells to magic the pizza right to you. We deliver to all parts of Arcana - even Tor's realm.
Enough pizza to feed your team = 100 gold coins
Buy one of our coupon books and earn big shopping discounts.
Discount #1 - you get 10% off any items that you buy from Main Street - 30 gold coins
Discount #2 - you get 10% off any items that you buy from Second Street - 30 gold coins
Discount #3 - - you get 10% off any items that you buy from Third Street - 30 gold coins