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neep = in

ha= out

oh = around

savi = near

wava = far

nup = over

mi = under



vay = we


Descriptive Words

ma = again

la = strong

va = most

laloom = stonger

laloomva = strongest

sha = weak

shaloom = weaker

shaloomva = weakest

he = small

heg = big

hegloom = bigger

hegloomva = biggest


Creatures of Arcana

mineer = human

drugin = dragon

tessin = elf

norvi = knight

adon = giant

divarneer = forest god

tessinifair = melfairy

ifair = fairy

savineer = angel

toktor = troll

wintor = wildman

dartor = doblin

barmar = bird


Parts of Body

epidesis =  skin

given = hand

nive = finger

nive nive = fingers

diven = foot

dive = toe

nug = head

kin = arm

sik = leg

havu = chest

mirth = mouth



avish =speak

farish = breathe

divish = walk

nivish = hold

ish = love

narvish = hide


Other Nouns

ruwen = river

seph = air

sepharn = airway

arn = way

linamore = rope

nar = knot

markcinium - gold

terriforpaxium - silver

torimorium – iron

wisal = trumpet

yarwen = wall

lok = desk

porcine = drawer

therin = tree

farsa = breath

dar = door

divar = forest

brivine = curtain

narve = cloak



mar = today

mer = yesterday

mor = tomorrow

mex = soon

mix = later



rose = yes

rue  = no




tak =1

ni = 2

yen = 3

hira = 4

garvey = 5

minu = 6

flex = 7

flax = 8

woo = 9

gunu = 10


azu = blue

azine = purple

jardine = green

minu = yellow

nar = white

nor = black

pep = red



Tish Grammar Basics

  1. To make something plural, you repeat the word twice

  2. All verbs exist only in present tense

  3. To speak of something that happen in the past or future, you would say, “We run yesterday” or “We run tomorrow.”

  4. When making sentences, adjectives always right after noun in order of importance.  You can tell a lot about a fairy by the way the order their adjectives

  5. Prepositions always go right before noun

  6. Adverbs usually go right after verb.  Time words go at start of sentence.

  7. The only pronoun used is “we.”  Fairies think that names of things are very important, so they don’t like the idea of substituting pronouns for names.  They only use the “we” pronoun because it makes speech much easier, especially when talking about large groups.  Their word for “we” is “vay” 

  8. no articles are used

  9. “er”  and “est” endings are used.  Add “loom” to end of word instead of “er.”  Strong = la   Stronger = laloom  Add “loomva” to end of word instead of “est.”  Strongest = laloomva

  10. Verbs all end in “ish”




English Sentence: Today, the little black dog will go swimming far into the big blue beautiful lake.


Tish Sentence:  Today dog black little swim far into lake beautiful blue big.

(the order of adjectives shows that this speaker values beauty and colour over the size of the object).



English Sentence: The tallest purple flower in the forest swayed gently in the tall trees yesterday.


Tish Sentence: Yesterday, flower purple tallest in forest swayed gently in trees tall.

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