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sov = in

sev = out

sav = around

siv = near

suv = by

savis = far

sevis = over

sivis = under



si = I, me

su = you

se = we

so = it

sey = they, them


Descriptive Words

sis = again

sot = most

sisam = strong

sisama= stonger

sisamat = strongest

sisim = weak

sisima = weaker

sisimat = weakest

sissed = small

sissem = big

sissema = bigger

sissemat = biggest


Creatures of Arcana

ser = creature

serpa = serpa

serna = human

serda = dragon

serfa = elf

serta = knight

serna = giant

serfifa = forest god

sermifa = melfairy

serma = fairy

serla = angel

serta = troll

serwa = Wildman

serba = doblin


Parts of Body

skist =  skin

skand = hand

skind = finger

skinders = fingers

skot = foot

sko = toe

sket = head

skib = arm

skim = leg

sket = chest

skout = mouth



stros =speak

stras = breathe

strus = walk

strusim = run

strish = fly

stres = hold

strish = love

strosh = hide

strem = swim

stroom = paddle

strash = hit

strush = awake

stresh = sleep


Other Nouns

shish = river

shair = air

shairt = airway

shirt = way

shis = rope

shar = knot

shim - gold

shup - silver

shesor – iron

shen= trumpet

shall = wall

shub = desk

shud = drawer

shash = tree

shinsa = breath

shindar = door

shinsee = forest

sheet = curtain

sharl = cloak

shint = magic

shava = gem



smet = today

smat= yesterday

smot = tomorrow

smex = soon

smin = later

smis = now



sis = yes

sos  = no




sab =1

saba = 2

sabat = 3

sabatu = 4

sima = 5

simat = 6

simatu = 7

sossen = 8

sossensa = 9

sub = 10



slu = blue

slad = purple

sled = green

slim = yellow

slum = white

slor = black

slop = red


Gorgonic Grammar Basics

  1. To make something plural, you repeat the word twice

  2. All verbs exist only in present tense

  3. To speak of something that happen in the past or future, you would say, “Yesterday we run” or “Tomorrow we run.”

  4. When making sentences, adjectives always right after noun in order of importance.  

  5. Prepositions always go right before noun

  6. Adverbs usually go right after verb, but time words go at start of sentence

  7. no articles are used




English Sentence: Today, the big black dragon will go flying in the big blue sky.


Gorgonic Sentence:  Smet, serda slor sissem strish sov squird slu slor.

Sentence Structure: Today dragon big black fly in sky blue big.

(the order of adjectives shows that this speaker values the colour over the size of the sky).





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